About the DM Batches Page

The DM Batches page provides a central location for working with batches. From this page, you can perform a number of batch management tasks, including:

The DM Batches pages shows only the batches belonging to the logged-in user's organization. Additionally, the logged-in user sees only the batches associated with the funds he or she has permission to access.

Access PermissionsAccess Permissions

Only users with Development User and/or Development Admin permissions can access batch records. These permissions are set on the Diocese Directory & Web Solutions tab in the staff user's record. 

What Is a Batch?What Is a Batch?

A batch is a data entry method whereby pledges and contributions are entered into your system in groups instead of individually.

Using batches to enter your contribution and pledge data into Development Manager is not required but highly recommended. Batch processing is particularly useful if you have a number of contributions, pledges, or corrections to post. Posting transactions in batches can save you a lot time because you can enter them into the system in groups instead of one at a time. Additionally, batch processing can help improve the accuracy of data entry. Validation checks, such as the batch count and batch total (dollar amount of items), help identify two types of errors that may occur:

Batch processing also provides safeguards and internal controls against fraudulent activities. Only authorized users can create, edit, delete, and view batches for the selected organization. Furthermore, the batch itself serves as audit trail, capturing the actions of any user who makes changes to a batch's details or to the transactions within the (open) batch. To secure information and preserve audit trails, no batch can be reopened and edited after it is closed. On the other hand, batch financial totals and transactions can be edited while a batch is still open.

What Is a Batch Record?What Is a Batch Record?

A batch record contains detailed information about a batch, including its name or description, name of the organization owning the fund, and the date the batch was created. A batch record also contains summary information about the batch, including the total dollar amount of pledges or contributions and a count of the total number of entries expected to be included in the batch.

Understanding Batch StatusUnderstanding Batch Status

The Status field on the batch card and in the Batch field on the Postings page indicates the current state of the batch. A batch in Development Manager has one of three statuses:

A batch in Review status is ready to be double-checked for accuracy so that it can be moved to the next and final status of Closed. Batches and postings contained in them are visible only in batch posting reports. Postings in these batches are available in all relevant reports after the batch is closed.

To help maintain the best financial controls and to ensure that we are being good stewards of the financial gifts entrusted to us, you must create a correction batch if you need to make changes the financial data in a closed batch. 

Overview of the DM Batches Page

The illustration below identifies the main elements on the DM Batches page. Click a link to view a detailed description of the element.

 When you first open the DM Batches page, no batches are displayed. To find a specific batch, use the Search or Filter function. 


Breadcrumbs are the navigational trail that lets you know where you are now as well as each page you visited before arriving at the current page. The breadcrumb trail reads from left to right, with the link farthest to the left showing the Home page and the links after it showing each page you visited since leaving the Home page.

Each page shown in the breadcrumb trail is a link. Click a link to go directly back to the named page. In the breadcrumb trail illustrated below, the user is currently on the Batch Details page:

Clicking DM Batches takes the user directly back to the DM Batches page.

Batches Toolbar

The Batches toolbar, shown below, spans across the top of the page. The toolbar includes a Search box and a group of buttons that give you quick access to the functions you use most often on the DM Batches page. 

Search Feature

The Search feature provides a quick and easy way for you to find batches without having to look through an entire list, which, depending on the number of batches you have, can be pages long. Note that results of searches include only the batches that the logged-in user has permission to access.  

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

 Information Icon Information Icon

The information icon appears to the right of the Search box. Place your mouse on the icon (without clicking) to see what type of information you can search for using the Search box.

Using the Search BoxUsing the Search Box

You can search for a batch by typing its name into the Search box. You can type the full name or just few characters in the name into the box. Then, click  to start the search. The list refreshes to show you the names of batches matching your search criteria.  For example, if a batch is named "Capital Campaign," a search for "Capital," "tal," or even just the letter "l" will produce matches.

 Never search using an empty search box. 

Clearing the Search BoxClearing the Search Box

To clear the search box, select the search criteria currently showing in the box. Then, press the Delete key on your keyboard. Finally, click  to display all batches.

Toolbar Buttons


On the right side of the toolbar, two buttons let you change the layout view. Each view has advantages and disadvantages, depending on the device you are using to view your data. Select the view that suits the device, your preference, and style for working:


Click  to generate a Batch List report (Excel file). This report lists all of the batches that match your filter criteria.

 Add New Batch

Click  Add New Batch to open the Batch Details page where you can add a new batch record. To view explanations of the fields in the batch record, go to Batch Record Details.


The filter button  opens and closes the Filters panel.

Filters Panel 

The Filters panel contains filters you can apply to the DM Batches list to find batch records in your database that meet the selected filter criteria.

Filters Panel Buttons

 click to start a search.

 click to clear the filter search fields.

  click to close the Filters panel.


The Filter panel contains these filters you can use to narrow down and sort your search results. In the list below, click the arrowhead next to the filter option to expand it and view its description.

Order DirectionOrder Direction

Specify the sort order of your results:  

Order ByOrder By

Select to sort the results on one of the following fields in the batch record:


Select the fund whose batches you want to view.

Created DateCreated Date

Enter a date range (enter a date in the From and To fields) to view batches created during that time period.


Select a status option to view batches that have a specific status:

Batch Card Data

Each batch card provides these details about the batch:

Batch NameBatch Name

Name of the batch and the batch ID, a unique system-assigned code that identifies the batch. Clicking the link takes you to the details page for the batch.

Fund NameFund Name

Name of the default fund for pledges and contributions posted in the batch. 


Status of the batch in the posting process as one of the following: Open, Review, Closed.

Giving SourceGiving Source

System-assigned (read-only) value. Indicates how the batch was created, for example, manually created or lockbox import.


System-assigned (read-only) date. Indicates the date the batch was created.


System-assigned (read-only) date. Indicates the date the batch was closed.

Pledge CountPledge Count

Total number of pledges in the batch.

Pledge TotalPledge Total

Total dollar amount of the pledges in the batch.

Paid CountPaid Count 

Total number of contributions in the batch.

Paid TotalPaid Total

Total dollar amount of the contributions in the batch.

Batch Buttons


Takes you to the Postings page where you enter contributions or pledges into the batch.

This button becomes active when the system determines that the batch is balanced. Clicking this button changes the status of the batch to Review, and the label on the button to CloseA batch in Review status can be checked for accuracy and edited, if necessary. After the batch is reviewed, clicking the Close button changes the status of the batch to Closed.

Closes the batch and prevents future changes to pledges and contributions in the batch.

Generates a Batch Posting List report (an Excel or PDF file) that provides a list of contributions and pledges posted to the selected batch.

Removes the batch from your system. Note the following restrictions:

Items Per Page Dropdown List

From the dropdown list, select the number of records you want to view at a time on the page. You can limit the number of records to 25, 50, or 75. 

Page Controls

Two page controls, located at the bottom of the page, enable you to page through the list of records:

 Next Page: click to page forward through the list.

 Previous page: click to page backward through the list.

Total Record Count

The total number of records across all pages appears to the left of the page controls. 

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© v2.17 October 4, 2021 ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.