How to Simultaneously Edit Multiple Contribution Records in a Batch

This topic shows you how to use the Bulk Edit feature. This powerful feature lets you edit multiple contribution records in a batch at the same time.


The Bulk Edit applies only to batches whose status is set to Open or Review. 

  1. Open the Batches page.
  2. Locate the batch containing the contributions you want to edit.
  3. Click .

A list of contributions in the batch is displayed at the bottom of the batch record.

  1. Select the checkbox next to each contribution you want to edit.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click  (Multi-Edit).

The Contribution Details page is displayed. The top of the page indicates the number of contributions you selected for editing.

  1. In the Edit Values panel on the right, select the checkbox next to each field in the selected records that you want to modify. For example, if you want to change both the date and contribution amount in the selected records, select the Contribution Date and Amount checkboxes.

The selected fields are now activated, allowing you make the desired changes.

  1. In the left panel, enter the desired information into each selected field. For example, if you are changing the contribution amount, type the new amount in the Amount field.
  2. Click  to save the changes.
  3. You are prompted to confirm the change. Do one of the following:
    • Click  to update the selected contribution records with the change.
    • Click  to cancel.
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