Contribution Record Details

The contribution record contains details about the contribution, such as the name of the donor, the contribution amount, and the name of the fund receiving the gift. 

The list below provides information about each field in the contribution record. Refer to this list when you add a new contribution record or edit the details for an existing one.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.


Name and address of the giver.


Giver's telephone number.

Family IDFamily ID

Unique identification number assigned by the system to the family. 

Contribution IDContribution ID

Unique identification number that identifies the contribution. Assigned by Offering.

External Contribution IDExternal Contribution ID

Unique number that identifies contributions imported from an online giving solution (for example, ParishSOFT Giving) that is outside of Offering. 

Lifetime Giving ButtonLifetime Giving Button

Click this button to view a summary of the donor's giving history.


Name of the organization owning the fund to which the contribution is made.

FundFund *

Name of fund receiving the contribution. Select the fund from the dropdown list. Note that the list contains only the funds you have permission to access.


: indicates that the donor currently has no pledge to the selected fund.

: indicates that at least one pledge to the selected fund was found. Click the icon to open a window containing a description for each pledge. The following information is provided:

Contribution DateContribution Date *

Date the contribution was entered into the system. Type a date into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar

AmountAmount *

Dollar amount of the giver's contribution.


Text entry field that enables you to supply additional information related to the contribution.

DescriptionDescription *

Text-entry field that enables you to provide a description of the contribution. This field is enabled and required only when you select the Stocks and Gifts in Kind option for Contribution Type (see the Contribution Type entry later in this list).

Giving SourceGiving Source

Specifies how the contribution came into the system, for example, manual entry.


Batch in which the contribution was posted.

Contribution TypeContribution Type *

Indicates the payment method used to fund the contribution. Select the desired payment method from the dropdown list.

Check NumberCheck Number

If the giver paid by check, shows the check number.

ReasonReason *

If editing a contribution record, you must supply a reason for making the change. 

Tax Deductible CheckboxTax Deductible Checkbox

Indicates whether contributions to the fund are tax deductible. Select the checkbox to specify that the gift is tax deductible.

Keep in mind that the tax-deductible status can be set on individual contributions in Offering, so the value selected at the time of contribution entry is saved in contribution record.



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© Offering Help v5.0.15 November 8, 2023 ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.