The Home page is the page you see when you open the Offering module either by selecting Offering on the Navigation bar menu or by selecting the Go to Offering link on the ParishSOFT Family Suite Home page. The Home page provides quick access to your organization's pledge, contribution, and other data with a single click of a mouse.
Links to Functional Area Content
The illustration below identifies the main elements on the Home page. Click a numbered link to jump to the section on this page that provides a detailed description of the element.
By default, the Navigation Bar is expanded, so the entire name of each page is visible. If you need more viewing space in the right panel, you can collapse the menu by clicking . Doing so minimizes the
menu so that only the page icons are visible:
To return the Navigation Bar back to the expanded position, click (Expand). Note that the state (expanded or minimized) of the menu that you specify on any page stays the same
on all pages until you change it.
The Navigation Bar is the menu that sits on left side of the Home page (and on every other page in the module). The menu lists the module's primary pages and provides a way for you to quickly move from one page to another. When you want to view a specific page's content, simply select the page option.
The Organization list is located above the Navigation Bar. By default, this dropdown list is closed and shows the name of the organization you are working in.
On the Offering Landing Page, each functional area in the module is represented by a separate container, called a "card." A card serves as an entry point to data within the named area. As illustrated below, each card contains the name of the functional area, an icon, and a link to specific content within it:
The cards are not clickable elements. To access a content area, you must click the links at the bottom of the card. For example, on the Pledges card clicking the
Go to Pledges link (see previous illustration) takes you to the Pledges page.
Click to access the Offering Help. The Help opens in a separate browser so that you can view it while working in the module. The Help provides an
overview of Offering concepts and features and offers step-by-step instructions on how to perform specific Offering tasks.
This button shows the initials of the logged-in user. Clicking the button display the Log Out option. Click this option to log out of Offering.
The links at the bottom of each card let you access a functional area's specific content. For example, on the Pledges card (see below), clicking the Go to Pledges link takes you directly to the Pledges page where you can work with your organization's pledge records.
Note that some cards have multiple links. These links let you access specific content within a functional area. For example, clicking Today (see below) on the Contributions card takes you to a page showing only those contributions posted on today's date. On the Batches card, clicking Closed takes you to a page that contains a list of closed batches only.
How to Log Out of ParishSOFT Family Suite
© Offering Help v5.0.15 November 8, 2023 ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.