How to Approve a Batch

Batch approval entails one final check of a batch to confirm that the contents are accurate. Unless otherwise specified, an approval check should generally consist of a random inspection of elements in the batch to confirm that data was entered as intended. After no errors are found during a random check, the batch is ready to be closed. 

This topic provides suggestions for what areas to check when approving a batch. We strongly recommend that the person who has authority to approve a batch not be the same individual who entered data into the batch. The final reviewer should perform an approval check independently. 


To approve a batch:


Approving a Batch

  1. Create a Postings List report of the batch under review. For instructions, go to How to Create a Postings List Report for a Batch
  2. Randomly select pledges and confirm that the details in the Postings List report match corresponding items in the data entry source (for example, pledge cards in the batch intake stack). Some areas to check are:
    • Dates
    • Pledge amounts for givers
    • OBO organization
    • Fund
  3. Randomly check that the contributions details in the Postings List report match corresponding items in the data entry source (for example, your work papers or batch intake stack). Some areas to check are:
    • Dates
    • Contribution amounts for givers
    • Contribution type
    • Family
    • Fund
  4. Do one or both of the following:
    • If you find posting errors, correct them. For instructions, go to How to Fix Posting Errors in a Batch. After fixing errors, re-run the Postings List report to verify your changes. If you still find errors, fix them. Then, return to this procedure at Step 5.
    • If you find batch detail errors, correct them. For instructions, go to How to Fix Batch Detail Errors. After fixing errors, re-run the Postings List report to verify your changes. If you still find errors, fix them. Then, return to this procedure at Step 5.

After confirming the accuracy of the batch data, you can close the batch. For instructions go to How to Close a Batch.


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