How to Delete a Pledge Record


To delete a pledge record:


  1. Open the Pledges page.
  2. Find the desired pledge record. Do one of the following:
    • In the Search box in the toolbar, enter the Search By value in the toolbar to find the record. (Position your mouse over the Info icon  to find out what values the Search bar accepts.). Then, click .
    • Click  to open the Filter panel on the right. Enter one or more filter criteria. If desired, set filters to specify the order in which you want the filter results displayed. Then, click this button at the top of the filter panel: .

A list of records matching your search criteria is displayed.

  1. Select the checkbox for the pledge you want to delete.
  2. In the toolbar in the upper-right corner, click .

The system removes the pledge record from your database and from the list on the Pledges page.


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