About Sustaining Gifts

Sustaining gifts are ongoing donations to a fund. They differ from pledges because they are considered “forever gifts” that never expire. Sustaining givers commit to donating a specific amount to a fund on a recurring basis, for example, monthly, quarterly, or biannually—with no end date. While such gifts are set up to continue forever, staff, at any time, can update a sustaining gift for a giver who wants to increase/decrease the gift amount, change the payment frequency, or cancel or modify their gift.

Sustaining gifts are a fundraising technique that can have immediate financial and long-term impact on a fund, providing it with a consistent, dependable revenue stream that can be used to sustain the causes it supports. Such gifts provide stability and can make it possible for an organization to make plans around the income they provide.


You must have the right level of access and permissions to add and edit sustaining gifts, specifically:


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