The Settings page contains options you can set to configure settings that control the behavior of Offering and users' preferences when interacting with the application.
The illustration below identifies the main elements on the Settings page. Click a numbered link to jump to a detailed description of an element.
You must have Organization Admin access rights to view the Settings page.
By default, the Navigation Bar is expanded, so the entire name of each page is visible. If you need more viewing space in the right panel, you can collapse the menu by clicking . Doing so minimizes the
menu so that only the page icons are visible:
To return the Navigation Bar back to the expanded position, click (Expand). Note that the state (expanded or minimized) of the menu that you specify on any page stays the same
on all pages until you change it.
The Navigation Bar is the menu that sits on left side of the Settings page (and on every other page in the module). The menu lists the module's primary pages and provides a way for you to quickly move from one page to another. When you want to view a specific page's content, simply select the page option.
The Organization list is located above the Navigation Bar. By default, this dropdown list is closed and shows the name of the organization you are working in.
Click Administration to display the Administration tab. This tab is has two main sections:
The options in the Offering group are used to configure Offering. Use the checkboxes to enable or disable options. When a checkbox is selected, it appears as checked and the option is enabled. Note that some options are pre-selected by default. You can deselect (disable) them by clicking your mouse inside the checkbox.
Options in the Offering Options group are listed below. Click name of an option to view its description.
Only Batch Owner Can Modify Pledges in BatchOnly Batch Owner Can Modify Pledges in Batch
The person who initially creates a batch is considered the rightful owner. This checkbox has two settings:
Display End Date for Pledge EntryDisplay End Date for Pledge Entry
The end date is the last date that payments can be posted to a pledge. This checkbox has two settings:
Import BehaviorImport Behavior
The options in this dropdown list give you finer control over how the import process handles lockbox imports and contributions coming into the system from Online Giving. Select one of the following:
Primary Family or Member Identifier for ImportsPrimary Family or Member Identifier for Imports
Select your organization's primary method for associating contributions in generic import files with donors in their database:
ParishSOFT Giving URLParishSOFT Giving URL
In this field, type the URL your parish uses to receive donations through ParishSOFT Giving.
Select the checkbox to require a deposit transaction for the batch to be made into ParishSOFT Accounting before allowing the batch to be closed.
Enable Integration with Online GivingEnable Integration with Online Giving
Select the checkbox to activate the integration between the ParishSOFT Offering and Online Giving systems. After the two systems are connected, the Import > Integration page is visible to parish users, enabling them to import pledge and contribution records from Online Giving into Offering.
This setting does not affect ParishSOFT Giving or Digital Offering.
Allow E-statementsAllow E-statements
Select the checkbox to allow E-statements. Then, select the year access to E-statements will end. Access ends on December 31 of the selected year. If you select All, E-statements are accessible for any year up to and including
the present year.
The options in the Batch Management group are used to govern batch control in Offering. Use the checkboxes to enable or disable options. When a checkbox is selected, it shows a checkmark to let you know that the option is enabled. Note that some options are pre-selected by default. You can deselect (disable) them by clicking your mouse inside the checkbox to remove the checkmark.
Options in the Batch Management group are listed below. Click the name of an option to view its description.
Require Contribution BatchesRequire Contribution Batches
Controls a batch is required for posting contributions to Offering. This option has two settings:
Require Pledge BatchesRequire Pledge Batches
Controls whether a batch is required for posting pledges to Offering. This option has two settings:
Allow multiple funds per batchAllow multiple funds per batch
Controls whether a batch can contain pledges or contributions for different funds. This option has two settings:
Batch Posting - Use Pledges by DefaultBatch Posting - Use Pledges by Default
Lets a user with the appropriate permissions set the default value of the Batch uses pledges checkbox in the setup for all new batches (for a description of Batch uses pledges checkbox, go to Batch Record Details).
This option has two settings:
Depending on the number of pledges in your database, selecting this option can slow data entry because the system needs time to locate a matching
A user can overrided the default value of the Batch uses pledges checkbox locally within a specific batch. This is easily done by changing the checkbox value in the batch from checked to unchecked, and vice versa. However, the user must make such a change before saving the batch because the system does not allow changes after a batch is saved. Additionally, a change made locally applies to the specific batch only.
Batch Posting - Enable Check # field by defaultBatch Posting - Enable Check # field by default
A global control that determines whether the Check Number field is displayed and included in the Tab key sequence for contribution posting for all newly created batches.
This option sets the default display of the Check Number field
for new batches. If desired, you can override the global setting when creating a new batch. For example, you can enable the display of the field here but select not to display the field when creating a specific batch.
This option has two settings:
Selected: the Check Number field is displayed in the batch form for newly created batches and included in the Tab key sequence for payment and contribution posting.
Not selected: the Check Number field is not displayed in the batch form for newly created batches.
Batch Posting - Enable Memo field by defaultBatch Posting - Enable Memo field by default
A global control that determines whether the Memo field is displayed by default and included in the Tab key sequence for contribution posting for all newly created batches.
This option sets the default display of the Memo field for all new batches. If desired, a user can override the
global setting when creating a new batch. For example, you can enable the display of the field here but a user can choose not to display the field when creating a specific batch.
This option has two settings:
Not selected: the Memo field is not displayed in the batch form for newly created batches.
Batch Posting - Use Quick Posting by DefaultBatch Posting - Use Quick Posting by Default
A global control that lets you configure Quick Posting as the default method for posting contributions to newly created batches.
Depending on the volume of contribution records that must be entered, getting data into your system can be
a time-consuming process. Data entry errors are bound to happen. With the traditional posting method, data
is validated as it is entered
into each field in a contribution record, and the user must correct any errors
before saving the contribution. While the traditional method is effective at reducing data entry errors, it comes with consequences: errored entries can significantly
interrupt and slow down a user’s workflow and productivity. On the other hand, with the Quick Posting method, the system checks the values in a contribution record after all the data in a record is entered. Any errors that are found do not need
to be corrected before the contribution is saved. The user’s workflow is not interrupted, allowing them to complete data entry and go back later to correct any errors the system flags. With the Quick Posting method, a user especially proficient
at data entry can enter contribution data as quickly as their skills allow.
This option sets the default method for posting contributions in newly created batches. If desired, a user can override the global setting when
creating a new batch. For example, you can specify the default setting her, but a user can override the default when creating a specific batch.
The checkbox has two settings:
In this dropdown list, select the default search field for batch data entry. When the user posts a contribution to a batch, the system uses the default search field to match the posting on.
Click to access the Offering Help. The Help opens in a separate browser so that you can view it while working in the module. The Help provides an
overview of Offering concepts and features and offers step-by-step instructions on how to perform specific Offering tasks.
This button shows the initials of the logged-in user. Clicking the button display the Log Out option. Click this option to log out of Offering.
Click to save changes to settings.
Related Topics
How to Set Up System Preferences and Defaults
About the Integration Import Page
© Offering Help v5.0.15 November 8, 2023 ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.