How to Bulk Update Requirements
You must have Individual Requirements + View Detail +
Bulk Update permissions to bulk update requirements. These permissions are set in the Individual Requirements section on
the Permissions page.
If you have a number of individuals with the same requirement that needs updating or correcting, you can use the Bulk Update Requirements utility to change data for the group of individuals instead of changing the data in each
individual's record. The ability to modify requirements in bulk saves a lot of data entry time. This topic shows you how to use SEP's bulk update utility to update requirements in multiple records at the same time.
Bulk Update Scenarios
The scenarios listed below illustrate some of the most common situations you may encounter for which you can save time by incorporating this tool into your workflow.
Scenario 1:
A group of 20 people in your organization have a training class as a requirement. They all recently completed the same class with a passing grade, so their records need to be updated to indicate that they completed the requirement. You can select these
individuals, and then use the bulk update tool to change the status of the training requirement in all their records to "Completed" at the same time.
Scenario 2:
A group of volunteers in your organization have the same background check expiring next month. To be proactive, you can use the bulk update tool to create a new background requirement in all their records before the current requirement expires. For
the new requirement, you can set a start date, due date, and expiration date. Then, when you save the requirement, the newly created one is automatically activated.
Scenario 3:
Your diocese just implemented a new policy that changes the expiration date of an existing requirement from every year to every two years. Many individuals in your organization have this requirement tied to their position. The bulk update tool provides
a quick and easy way for you to update the expiration date in the records of all individuals impacted by the change.
Performing Bulk Update
You must have Individual Requirements + View Detail +
Modify permissions to add requirements to records.
- On the Home page, click the Individuals tile to open the Individuals page.
- The page opens in grid view. To view the page in card view, click this button in the toolbar:
- Find the individuals whose records you want to update. If your list is long, use the search features to find the records of people you are looking for. For example, if you wanted to find individuals whose Safe
Environment training is expiring, you would use the filters in the Filter panel to generate your list.
- In the list, select the individuals whose requirement you want to update. Use the page buttons at the bottom of the window, if necessary, to find the names of all individuals. Then, click this toolbar button:
(Bulk Update Requirements) to open the Bulk Update Requirements window.
The names of the individuals whose records you want to update are listed in the right panel.
- If necessary, you can add individuals or remove them from the list of selected individuals in the right panel.
- To add an individual, click
(Select Additional Individuals), and then select the individuals you want to add.
- To remove an individual from the list of selected individuals, simply click their name. To view the names of all selected individuals on all pages, click this toolbar button:
. You
can use the page buttons to page through the list to review selected names and remove those selected by mistake.
- In the toolbar, click
(Bulk Update Requirements).
- In the Select Requirement to Update dropdown list, select the requirement you are updating.
- In the Select Options group, select how to update the selected requirement:
- Update if requirement exists: if the requirement exists, the system updates the fields according to the values selected for the fields in the Modify group (see next
- Create if requirement does not exist: if the requirement does not exist, the system creates it and then sets the values in the fields to those selected in the Modify group
(see next step).
- Create new requirement: the system creates the selected requirement and then sets the values in the fields to those selected in the Modify group (see next step).
- Set Expiration Date: the date the requirement expires and is no longer valid. (Refer to Scenario 3 above. You can use this field to recalculate the expiration date for selected individuals' requirements.)
- Set Due Date: the date by which the requirement
must be completed. (Refer to Scenario 3 above. You can use this field to recalculate the due date for the selected individuals' requirements.)
- In the Select Values to Update group, select the checkbox for each value you want to update and then specify the new data value:
- Status: the lists contains the types of status you can apply to a requirement. Select the new status value for the requirement.
- Method: the list contains the requirement methods you can update in the selected records. Select the requirement method from the list.
- Note: type the desired text into the Note field. When the bulk update utility runs, the Notes field in each selected individual's record is updated with
the text you enter.
- Entered: the date that the requirement was created (entered into the system). Typically, today's date is used, but you can specify a different date. The system calculates the due date based on the date in this field.
Type a date into the field or click
and select a date from the calendar.
- Completed: the date the requirement was completed. Type a date into the field or click
and select a date from the calendar.
- Click
to open the Requirement Bulk Update Preview window. This window lets you see the requirements that will be updated and the actions that
will be taken.
If the system detects errors, they are reported (in red text) in this window. You can either close the preview window and go back to remove the individual from the update. Or, you can proceed to update the records; however, the system will not change any record flagged as having errors.
The system only updates the records displayed in green text with the thumbs-up icon:
- If desired, you can create a .csv file of the information shown in the preview window. To do this, click this button at the top of the window:
- When ready to update the requirements, click
The Requirement Bulk Update Completed Log window opens to show you the total number of records updated, the names of individuals whose requirements were updated, and a description of changes that were made to their requirements.
For example:
- If desired, you can create a .csv file of the information shown in the Completed Log. To do this, click this button at the top of the window:
- Click
to exit the Completed Log.
- If you want to verify changes, open each individual's profile. Scroll to the Requirements panel. Verify the data values in the fields you selected to update.
Related Topics
About the Individuals Page
Role Permission Settings
How to Find People