The people in your organization who use SEP must be given a user account before they can log in and work in SEP. Each user must also be assigned to a role, which defines the areas the user can access and the specific actions they can perform within those areas. This topic shows you how to add a new user account and assign the new user to a role.
You must have Users > View/Modify/Delete permissions to add new user accounts.
An asterisk ( ) indicates a required field.
The user will be given access to the records of all individuals in the diocese— no matter what specific permissions are assigned to their role. More importantly, however, the user's access will be limited to viewing information in the Profile section of the individual's record.
For organizations in which the user and the individual both hold an assignment, the user will be given expanded access that allows them to not only view but modify data in the individual's record. More importantly, however, the modifications the user will be allowed to make are controlled by the specific permissions assigned to their role.
After you add a user, they receive an email notification that contains their username and a temporary login password. They are prompted to change this password when they log in to the system.
How to Set Up Safe Environment
© January 31, 2024 Safe Environment Program v2.31. ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.