How to Create a Periodic Report

The Periodic Report captures pledge and payment activity in summary form, one line per parish, for the date range you specify. This topic shows you how to set up and create a periodic report.

This report presents pledge and contribution data contained in closed batches only. This requirement creates safeguards to help protect users’ financial data. It also helps ensure that data processing staff follow proper procedures and exercise strong internal controls by closing a batch after it is reconciled with the accounting system and with the bank statement.

  By default, the Periodic report is hidden from parish staff. A diocesan admin user can give parish staff access to this report on Funds > Parish Reports tab.

To create this report: 

 On the Home page, you can open the Parish Reports page by selecting Reports > Parish in the navigation bar menu or by clicking the Parish link at the bottom of the Reports card.

  1. Open the Parish Reports page.
  2. In the Fund dropdown list, select the fund for which you want to generate the report.
  3. In the Report dropdown list, select the Periodic Report option.
  4. Set up the report as desired. For descriptions of the setup options, go to Setup_Options_for_the_Periodic Report.
  5. Click this button to generate the report: . From the menu, select the report format:
    • Excel: the Excel version uses the same data source as the PDF but may contain more data, which is presented in an .xls layout. Choose this option if you want to do a mail merge or if you want to import the data in the selected report into a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel.
    • PDF: the PDF version is useful for most purposes because it extracts the most commonly needed data from the report and presents it in a well-designed layout. Note that the PDF contains less information than the .xls version and is a more suitable option when you need a document that is easily read.
  6. Follow your browser's instructions for opening the downloaded report. 
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