About the Parish Reports Page

The Parish Reports page provides a central location where you can set up and generate a variety of financial and progress reports for use by staff in the organizations you manage. This topic lists the reports you can generate and describes options used to configure each report.


The Parish reports are designed to help parishes stay up to date with their participation in diocesan-wide campaigns. These self-service reports let you generate up-to-date reports anytime during a campaign or appeal. The reports can only be accessed by authorized parish staff. For instructions on granting staff access to these reports, go to How to Grant User Access to Parish Reports.

Report Setup

The Parish reports are ready-made reports that are easy for you to customize. You select options that define the structure and contents of the report. When you first display the Parish Reports page, two report options are displayed. These options let you select the fund and the type of report you want to create.

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

Select a FundSelect a Fund

This dropdown list contains the names of your funds created for your organization. Select the fund for which you want to generate a report.

Select a ReportSelect a Report

This dropdown list contains the names of parish reports you can generate. Select the desired report to display the setup options associated with it. After you select a fund and a report, the system displays additional options that enable you to set up the report.

 If you do not see a parish report in the dropdown list you are interested in generating, contact your DM administrator for assistance.

A list of parish reports is provided below. Click the arrowhead next to the name of a report to expand it and view its details.

All Parishes Refund ShortfallAll Parishes Refund Shortfall

The All Parishes Refund Shortfall report shows each parish’s goal amount, total pledged and paid, and any refund or shortfall (both anticipated and due). 

To view setup options, go to Setup_Options_for_the_All_Parishes_Refund_Shortfall_Report.

All Parishes SummaryAll Parishes Summary

The All Parishes Summary report summarizes parish-wide pledge activity, including the total pledge goal, amount of money pledged, and the total paid. The report also provides key pledge metrics so that you can understand the details behind the summaries. The report captures the number of participating families, number of pledges made, the average pledge amount, and a distribution of giving, to name a few.

To view setup options, go to Setup_Options_for_the_All_Parishes_Summary_Report.

All Parishes Summary (with groups)All Parishes Summary (with groups)

The All Parishes Summary (with groups) report summarizes pledge activity by the goal groups defined for a fund. For each organization within a goal group, the report provides key pledge metrics, including the pledge goal amount, the actual dollar amount of pledge money received (as of the date selected in the report setup), and a percentage value that lets you know how much of the pledge goal has been achieved. For each defined goal group, the report also shows a total for these (and other) metrics.

To view setup options, go to Setup_Options_for_the_All_Parishes_Summary_(with_groups)_Report.

All Parishes Summary: One-Time GiftsAll Parishes Summary: One-Time Gifts

The All Parish Summary: One-Time Gifts report is a modified version of the All Parishes Summary report that breaks out data for one-time gifts (pledges with a One-Time frequency value). The list below summarizes the differences between the two reports.


By default, the All Parish Summary One-Time Gifts report does not appear as an option on the Parish Reports menu. If you want to view a fund's one-time gift data, you must first add the report to the list of parish reports in the fund's setup. After you add the fund, the report appears as an option on the Parish Reports menu. For step-by-step instructions on running this report, go to How to Create an All Parish Summary One-Time Gifts Report.

Summary Page Column 1:

  • Goal: no change.
  • Total Pledged: no change.
  • Pledges Paid: sum of
    • Contributions made to pledges with a pledge balance >/= $0.00.
    • Total amount of pledges with a pledge balance < $0.00.
  • Unpaid Pledges: no change.
  • Unpledged Gifts: sum of balances of pledges with a pledge balance < 0 x -1.
  • Total Paid: sum of all contribution amounts (equals pledges paid + one-time gifts).

Summary Page Column 2:

  • Families: no change.
  • Donors: total number of families with pledges (equals pledges + one-time gifts).
  • Pledges: count of pledges with a pledge total amount > $0.00.
  • Unpledged Gifts: count of pledges with a pledge total amount = $0.00.
  • Pledges Outstanding: count of pledges with a pledge balance > $0.00.
  • Average Pledge: average amount of pledges with total amount > $0.00.

Parish List:

  • Goal: no change.
  • Total Pledged: no change.
  • Pledges Paid: sum of
    • Contribution amounts made to pledges with a balance >/= $0.00.
    • Total amount of pledges with a pledge balance <$0.00.
  • One-Time Gifts: same as the Overpayment column.
  • Total Paid: no change.
  • Unpaid Pledges: no change.
  • # of Families: no change.
  • # of Donors: same as # of Pledges column.
  • # of Pledges: count of pledges with a total amount > $0.00.
  • Average Pledge: average amount of pledges with total amount > $0.00.

To view setup options, go to Setup Options for the All Parishes Summary: One-Time Gifts Report.

Contribution DetailsContribution Details

The Contribution Details report enables parish staff to view details of contributions made to the selected fund on behalf of their parish.

To view setup options, go to Setup_Options_for_the_Contribution_Details_Report.

Designation DetailsDesignation Details

The Designation Details report provides information that can help with an analysis of a campaign's fundraising efforts. The report breaks down contributions or pledges according to the designations specified in the fund setup. Designations are the means by which givers earmark all or part of a gift to a specific cause or project, such Catholic school education, community food bank support, and hurricane relief efforts. 

To view setup options, go to Setup_Options_for_the_Designation_Details_Report.

Donor ListDonor List

The Donor List report provides a list of donors to the selected fund. For each listed donor, the report provides the following details: the family name and address, amount pledged and paid, and the balance owed on the pledge.

To view setup options, go to Setup_Options_for_the_Donor_List_Report.

Parish Date Over GoalParish Date Over Goal

The Parish Date Over Goal report enables you to find out which parishes in your organization exceeded their financial target or goal. The report provides the following information: goal amount, total amounts pledged and paid, and the date the parish exceeded the goal.

To view setup options, go to Setup_Options_for_the_Parish_Date_Over_Goal_Report.

Parish MasterParish Master

The Parish Master report summarizes the financials for the selected funds and organizations. The report can serve as a useful accounting resource to support major fundraising activities, such as multi-year capital campaigns and annual appeals. You can quickly see a parish's goal and compare it with amounts pledged, examine pledge statistics, and view calculations for the anticipated refund or shortfall amount. You can obtain one report per parish that contains line-item details for each donor. 

To view setup options, go to Setup_Options_for_the_Parish_Master_Report.

Parish Master Report: One-Time GiftsParish Master Report: One-Time Gifts

The Parish Master Report: One-Time Gifts is a modified version of the Parish Master report that breaks out data for one-time gifts (pledges with a One-Time frequency value). The list below summarizes the differences between the two reports.


By default, the Parish Master Report: One-Time Gifts does not appear as an option on the Parish Reports menu. If you want to view a fund's one-time gift data, you must first add the report to the list of parish reports in the fund's setup. After you add the fund, the report appears as an option on the Parish Reports menu. For step-by-step instructions on running this report, go to How to Create a Parish Master Report: One-Time Gifts.

Summary Page Column 1:

  • Goal: no change.
  • Total Pledged: no change.
  • Pledges Paid: sum of
    • Contributions made to pledges with a pledge balance >/= $0.00.
    • Total amount of pledges with a pledge balance < $0.00.
  • Unpaid Pledges: no change.
  • Unpledged Gifts: equal to overpayments.
  • Total Paid: sum of all contribution amounts (equals pledges paid + one-time gifts).

Summary Page Column 2:

  • Families: no change.
  • Donors: total number of families with pledges (equals pledges + one-time gifts).
  • Pledges: count of pledges with a pledge total amount > $0.00.
  • Unpledged Gifts: count of pledges with a pledge total amount = $0.00.
  • Pledges Outstanding: count of pledges with a pledge balance > $0.00.
  • Average Pledge: average total amount of pledges with a total amount > $0.00.

Giver List:

Overpayment column: changed to One-Time. No change in calculation. If the One-Time column has an entry, the Balance column contains no value (is blank).

To view setup options, go to Setup_Options_for_the_Parish_Master_One-Time_Gifts_Report.

Parish RosterParish Roster

The Parish Roster report lists all of the registered families in the selected organizations. The report includes the name and address of each family, the Family DUID, and preferred salutation.

To view setup options, go to Setup_Options_for_the_Parish_Roster_Report.


The Periodic Report captures pledge and payment activity in summary form, one line per parish, for the date range you specify. This topic shows you how to set up and create a periodic report.

To view setup options, go to Setup_Options_for_the_Periodic_Report.

Pledge DetailsPledge Details

The Pledge Details report enables parish staff to view details of pledges made on behalf of their parish to a selected fund on behalf of their parish. 

To view setup options, go to Setup_Options_for_the_Pledge_Details_Report.

Pledges Past DuePledges Past Due 

The Pledges Past Due report enables you to view a list of families and members who have missed at least one payment or have not paid the expected pledge amount.

To view setup options, go to Setup_Options_for_the_Pledges_Past_Due_Report.

Setup Options for the All Parishes Refund Shortfall Report

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

Organization Name FormatOrganization Name Format *

Lets you specify the format for displaying names of organizations listed in the report. By default the report shows the organization name as follows: Organization Name, City. You can reverse the order and display the name in this order: City, Organization Name.

End DateEnd Date *

Specify an end date for the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar.

Remaining PeriodsRemaining Periods *

Filter the report by the remaining periods that are left for pledges. Choices range from None (Final Report) to 12.

 Setup Options for the All Parishes Summary Report

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

Organization Name FormatOrganization Name Format *

Lets you specify the format for displaying names of organizations listed in the report. By default the report shows the organization name as follows: Organization Name, City. You can reverse the order and display the name in this order: City, Organization Name.

End DateEnd Date

Specify an end date for pledges and contributions to include in the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar.

Remaining PeriodsRemaining Periods *

Filter the report by the remaining periods that are left for pledges. Choices range from None (Final Report) to 12.

Setup Options for the All Parishes Summary: One-Time Gifts Report

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

Organization Name FormatOrganization Name Format

Lets you specify the format for displaying names of organizations listed in the report. By default the report shows the organization name as follows: Organization Name, City. You can reverse the order and display the name in this order: City, Organization Name.

End DateEnd Date

Specify an end date for pledges and contributions to include in the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar.

Remaining PeriodsRemaining Periods *

Filter the report by the remaining periods that are left for pledges. Choices range from None (Final Report) to 12.

Setup Options for the Designation Details Report

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

Organization Name FormatOrganization Name Format *

Lets you specify the format for displaying names of organizations listed in the report. By default the report shows the organization name as follows: Organization Name, City. You can reverse the order and display the name in this order: City, Organization Name.

Details ForDetails For *

Select one of these options:

Choose an OptionChoose an Option *

Select one:

End DateEnd Date *

Specify an end date for the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar.

The report includes pledges to the fund uup to and including the end date you specify.

Select One or More OrganizationsSelect One or More Organizations

Lets you filter the pledge data by organization. In the dropdown list, select the checkbox next to each organization you want to include in the report. Only the organizations you have permission to access appear in the list.

Setup Options for the Donor List Report

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

Organization Name FormatOrganization Name Format *

Lets you specify the format for displaying names of organizations listed in the report. By default the report shows the organization name as follows: Organization Name, City. You can reverse the order and display the name in this order: City, Organization Name.

Include Start Date checkboxInclude Start Date checkbox

Select the checkbox to activate the Start Date field below. After you activate the field, you can specify a start date for the report (see next item in this list).

Start DateStart Date *

To activate this field, you must first select the Start Date checkbox (see previous entry in this list).

Specify a start date for pledges and contributions to include in the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar. To specify a date range, enter a value in the Start Date and End Date fields.

The report shows pledges and contributions with posting dates on or after the start date you specify.

End Date checkboxEnd Date checkbox

Select the checkbox to activate the End Date field below. After you activate the field, you can specify an end date for the report (see next item in this list).

End DateEnd Date *

To activate this field, you must first select the End Date checkbox (see previous entry in this list).

Specify an end date for the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar. To specify a date range, enter a value in the Start Date and End Date fields.

The report shows pledges and contributions with posting dates on or before the end date you specify.

Detail SortingDetail Sorting *

This option is used to group the information. Select one:

Sort DirectionSort Direction *

If you selected to sort by parish (see Detail Sorting option above), specify the direction of the sort as one of the following:

Remaining PeriodsRemaining Periods

Filter the report by the remaining periods that are left for pledges. Choices range from None (Final Report) to 12.

Include Sustaining Gifts checkboxInclude Sustaining Gifts checkbox

Includes donations that never expire. Givers commit to donating a specific amount on a recurring basis, for example, monthly, quarterly, or biannually—with no end date.

Select One or More OrganizationsSelect One or More Organizations

Lets you filter the donors by organizations. In the dropdown list, select the checkbox next to each organization that contains the donors you want to include in the report. Only the organizations you have permission to access appear in the list.

Setup Options for the Parish Date Over Goal Report

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

Organization Name FormatOrganization Name Format *

Lets you specify the format for displaying names of organizations listed in the report. By default the report shows the organization name as follows: Organization Name, City. You can reverse the order and display the name in this order: City, Organization Name.

Include Start Date checkboxInclude Start Date checkbox

Select the checkbox to activate the Start Date field below. After you activate the field, you can specify a start date for the report (see next item in this list).

Start DateStart Date *

To activate this field, you must first select the Start Date checkbox (see previous entry in this list).

Specify a start date for pledges and contributions to include in the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar. To specify a date range, enter a value in the Start Date and End Date fields.

The report shows pledges and contributions with posting dates on or after the start date you specify.

Include End Date checkboxInclude End Date checkbox

Select the checkbox to activate the End Date field below. After you activate the field, you can specify a start date for the report (see next item in this list).

End DateEnd Date *

To activate this field, you must first select the End Date checkbox (see previous entry in this list).

Specify an end date for pledges and contributions to include in the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar. To specify a date range, enter a value in the Start Date and End Date fields.

The report shows pledges and contributions with posting dates on or before the end date you specify.

Detail SortingDetail Sorting *

Select the option for the way you want to group data in the report. Select one:

Select One or More OrganizationsSelect One or More Organizations

Lets you filter the data by organization. In the dropdown list, select the checkbox next to each organization that contains the givers you want to include in the report. Only the organizations you have permission to access appear in the list.

Setup Options for the Parish Master Report

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

Organization Name FormatOrganization Name Format *

Lets you specify the format for displaying names of organizations listed in the report. By default the report shows the organization name as follows: Organization Name, City. You can reverse the order and display the name in this order: City, Organization Name.

Include Refund Details in ReportInclude Refund Details in Report

Provides line-item detail associated with the refund checks issued by the diocese to the parish. The detail can serve as a useful accounting resource to support major fundraising activities, such as multi-year capital campaigns and annual appeals.

Include Givers in ReportInclude Givers in Report

Includes the names of givers to the selected fund with giving details (for example, the amount pledged, payment frequency, amount paid, and balance owed).

Include Non-Givers in ReportInclude Non-Givers in Report

Includes the names of individuals who have not yet given to the selected fund.

Include Start Date checkboxInclude Start Date checkbox

Select the checkbox to activate the Start Date field below. After you activate the field, you can specify a start date for the report (see next item in this list).

Start DateStart Date *

To activate this field, you must first select the Start Date checkbox (see previous entry in this list).

Specify a start date for pledges and contributions to include in the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar. To specify a date range, enter a value in the Start Date and End Date fields.

The report shows pledges and contributions with posting dates on or after the start date you specify.

Include End Date checkboxInclude End Date checkbox

Select the checkbox to activate the End Date field below. After you activate the field, you can specify a start date for the report (see next item in this list).

End DateEnd Date *

To activate this field, you must first select the End Date checkbox (see previous entry in this list).

Specify an end date for the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar.

The report shows pledges and contributions with posting dates on or before the end date you specify.

Remaining PeriodsRemaining Periods *

Filter the report by the remaining periods that are left for pledges to include in the report. Select one. Choices range from None (Final Report) to 12.

Include Sustaining Gifts checkboxInclude Sustaining Gifts checkbox

Includes sustaining donations to the selected fund. Sustaining gifts are considered "forever gifts" that never expire. Givers commit to donating a specific amount on a recurring basis, for example, monthly, quarterly, or biannually—with no end date.

Select One or More OrganizationsSelect One or More Organizations

Lets you filter the data by organizations. In the dropdown list, select the checkbox next to each organization that contains the givers you want to include in the report. Only the organizations you have permission to access appear in the list.

Setup Options for the Parish Master One-Time Gifts Report

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

Organization Name FormatOrganization Name Format *

Lets you specify the format for displaying names of organizations listed in the report. By default the report shows the organization name as follows: Organization Name, City. You can reverse the order and display the name in this order: City, Organization Name.

Include Refund Details in ReportInclude Refund Details in Report

Provides line-item detail associated with the refund checks issued by the diocese to the parish. The detail can serve as a useful accounting resource to support major fundraising activities, such as multi-year capital campaigns and annual appeals.

Include Givers in ReportInclude Givers in Report

Includes the names of givers to the selected fund with giving details (for example, the amount pledged, payment frequency, amount paid, and balance owed).

Include Non-Givers in ReportInclude Non-Givers in Report

Includes the names of individuals who have not yet given to the selected fund.

Include Start Date checkboxInclude Start Date checkbox

Select the checkbox to activate the Start Date field below. After you activate the field, you can specify a start date for the report (see next item in this list).

Start DateStart Date *

To activate this field, you must first select the Start Date checkbox (see previous entry in this list).

Specify a start date for pledges and contributions to include in the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar. To specify a date range, enter a value in the Start Date and End Date fields.

The report shows pledges and contributions with posting dates on or after the start date you specify.

Include End Date checkboxInclude End Date checkbox

Select the checkbox to activate the End Date field below. After you activate the field, you can specify a start date for the report (see next item in this list).

End DateEnd Date *

To activate this field, you must first select the End Date checkbox (see previous entry in this list).

Specify an end date for the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar.

The report shows pledges and contributions with posting dates on or before the end date you specify.

Remaining PeriodsRemaining Periods *

Filter the report by the remaining periods that are left for pledges to include in the report. Select one. Choices range from None (Final Report) to 12.

Include Sustaining Gifts checkboxInclude Sustaining Gifts checkbox

Includes gifts the fund that never expire. Givers commit to donating a specific amount on a recurring basis, for example, monthly, quarterly, or biannually—with no end date.

Select One or More OrganizationsSelect One or More Organizations

Lets you filter the data by organizations. In the dropdown list, select the checkbox next to each organization that contains the givers you want to include in the report. Only the organizations you have permission to access appear in the list.

Setup Options for the Parish Roster Report

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

Organization Name FormatOrganization Name Format *

Lets you specify the format for displaying names of organizations listed in the report. By default the report shows the organization name as follows: Organization Name, City. You can reverse the order and display the name in this order: City, Organization Name.

Select One or More OrganizationsSelect One or More Organizations

Lets you filter the data by organization. In the dropdown list, select the checkbox next to each organization that you want to include in the report. Only the organizations you have permission to access appear in the list.

Setup Options for the Periodic Report

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

Organization Name FormatOrganization Name Format

Lets you specify the format for displaying names of organizations listed in the report. By default the report shows the organization name as follows: Organization Name, City. You can reverse the order and display the name in this order: City, Organization Name.

Start DateStart Date *

Specify a start date for pledges and contributions to include in the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar. To specify a date range, enter a value in the Start Date and End Date fields.

The report shows pledges and contributions with a posting date on or after the start date you specify.

End DateEnd Date *

Specify an end date for the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar. To specify a date range, enter a value in the Start Date and End Date fields.

The report shows pledges and contributions with a posting date on or before the end date you specify.


Setup Options for the Pledges Past Due Report

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

Pledge TypePledge Type *

Select an option for the type of overdue pledges to include in the report:

DateDate *

Type a date into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar. The report will show pledges that are past due as of the date you enter.

Setup Options for the Contribution Details Report

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

FromFrom *

Sets the beginning date of the date range for contributions to include in the report. 

You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar. To specify a date range, enter a value in the From and To date fields.

ToTo *

Sets the ending date of the date range for contributions to include in the report.

You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar. To specify a date range, enter a value in the From and To date fields.

Contribution familyContribution family

If you want to view contribution details for a specific family, click  and use the search function to locate the family.

Contribution memberContribution member

If you want to view contribution details for a specific member, click  and use the search function to locate the member.

Giving SourceGiving Source

Lets you filter the report by the method used to bring pledges into your system, for example, ParishSOFT Giving. In the dropdown list, select one of the source options.

Tax Deductible only checkboxTax Deductible only checkbox

Select the checkbox to include tax-deductible contributions only in the report.

Select One or More OrganizationsSelect One or More Organizations

Lets you filter the data by organizations. In the dropdown list, select the checkbox next to each organization you want to include in the report. Only the organizations you have permission to access appear in the list.

Setup Options for the Pledge Details Report

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

Show Pledges That Start BetweenShow Pledges That Start Between

Specify a start date range for pledges to include in the report.

You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar. 

The report includes pledges with a start date that falls between Start Date and End dates you specify.

Giving SourceGiving Source

Lets you filter the report by the method used to bring pledges into your system, for example, ParishSOFT Giving. In the dropdown list, select one of the source options.

Select One or More OrganizationsSelect One or More Organizations

Lets you filter the data by organizations. In the dropdown list, select the checkbox next to each organization you want to include in the report. 

Setup Options for the All Parishes Summary (with groups) Report

In the list below, click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

Organization Name FormatOrganization Name Format *

Lets you specify the format for displaying names of organizations listed in the report. By default the report shows the organization name as follows: Organization Name, City. You can reverse the order and display the name in this order: City, Organization Name.

End Date checkboxEnd Date checkbox

Select the checkbox to activate the End Date field below. After the field is activated, you can enter an end date for the report.

End DateEnd Date

Enter an end date for the report. You can type a date directly into the field or click  and select a date from the displayed calendar. You must select the End Date checkbox to activate this field.

The report includes pledges and contribution data with a posting date on or before the end date you specify.

Remaining PeriodsRemaining Periods *

Filter the report by the remaining periods that are left for pledges to include in the report. Select one. Choices range from None (Final Report) to 12.



Related Topics

© v2.17 October 4, 2021 ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.