How to Fix Posting Errors in a Closed Batch

Sometimes, you may discover posting errors in a batch after the batch is closed. Use the following procedure to correct those errors.

 These instructions show you how to fix posting errors in a batch whose status is set to Closed. If you need to fix errors in a batch whose status is currently set to Open or Review, go to How to Fix Posting Errors in a Batch.


You cannot fix a posting error for a contribution amount in a closed batch. If you need to change a contribution amount, go to How to Correct a Posting Error for a Contribution in a Closed Batch.

  1. Open the Contributions page.
  2. Using the search or filter feature, find the contributions in the batch requiring correction.
  3. Select the contribution records you want to edit. Then, click this button in the toolbar: Create Correction Batch.

    The system creates the correction batch, assigning it a name and today’s date.
  4. Do the following:
    1. If desired, change the system-assigned name of the batch and the date.
    2. In the Edit Values panel on the right, select the checkbox next to each field in the selected records that you want to change. For example, if you want to change the date and donor, select the Contribution Date and Donor checkboxes.

      The selected fields are now activated, allowing you to make your changes.
    3. In the left panel, enter your changes into the activated fields. For example, if you are correcting the contribution date and donor, enter the new date into the Contribution Date field and use the Donor Lookup to find and select the right donor.
  5. Click  to save the changes.

The system adds the correction batch to the list on the Batches page, and sets the status to Review. You can review and close the correction batch when desired.


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