How to Correct a Posting Error for a Contribution in a Closed Batch

After a batch is closed, the system does not allow you to fix a contribution amount that was posted by mistake. As soon as you uncover the error, you should create a correction batch to reverse the error. The following procedure shows you how to correct a contribution amount that was posted by mistake or an amount posted in error.


The instructions below show you how to correct a contribution amount in a closed batch. To correct any other type of information in a closed batch (for example, a contribution date or the name of the donor), follow the instructions in this topic: How to Fix Posting Errors in a Closed Batch.

  1. Open the Batches page.
  2. In the upper-right, click  (Add New Batch).

    The Batch Details page opens to a blank form used to create a record for the new (correcting) batch.
  3. In the Fund list, select the name of the fund that the contribution amount was originally posted to.
  4. In the Description field, enter a name for the batch. We recommend that you add words like "Correction" or "Adjustment" after the name of the batch to identify it as "correcting" batch.
  5. Add other details about the batch as desired.
  6. In both the Pledge Count and Pledge Amount fields, enter 0.
  7. In the Contribution Count field, enter the number of contributions in the batch you are correcting. For example, if you are correcting one contribution, enter 1 in the field.
  8. In the Contribution Amount field, enter an amount. Depending on the kind of error you are correcting, do one of the following:
    • To remove an amount that should not have been posted, enter a negative amount to credit the original amount posted. For example, if $100.00 was originally posted in error, you would enter -100.00 to cancel out (reverse) the original posting. 
    • To adjust the amount of a contribution, find the difference between the correct amount and the posted amount and enter the difference in the field.

      If the original amount posted was too high, decrease the amount. For example, if the original amount posted was $100.00 (too high) and should have been $10.00, enter -90.00 in the field.

      If the original amount posted was too low, increase the amount. For example, if the original amount posted was $10.00 (too low) and should have been $100.00, enter 90.00 in the field.
  9. Click  to save the batch.
  10. You can now post the correction. To do this, complete the following:
    1. In the toolbar, click . Then, select the Contributions tab.
    2. In the Lookup field, enter the donor ID. Alternatively, click and find the donor whose contribution you are correcting. Click  to find the donor in your database. Finally, select the ID or Last Name link.  
    3. On the Postings page, type the correcting amount (to either cancel the original contribution or correct the original posting amount) in the Amount field,. Then, click .
    4. Check the batch header. Make sure that the two values in the Count field and the two values in the Amount field match.

      If the values match, the batch is in balance. For example, if you indicated in Step 7 that the number of items in the batch is 1, the Count field in the header should show the following: 1/1. If in Step 8, you entered -100 for the contribution amount, the Amount field should show -$100/ -$100.

      If the values do not match, you must either change the value in the Amount field for the donor or click  to return to the Batch Details and correct the value in the Contribution Count and/or Contribution Amount fields. Note that if you change the batch details, the system does not let you save the batch until you provide a reason for the change.
    5. After the batch is in balance, click  to move the batch to Review status. After the batch is reviewed, you can close it. 


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