How to Disable the Sustaining Gift Feature for a Fund

If a fund no longer accepts sustaining gifts, you should deactivate the sustaining gifts feature. The following instructions show you how.


After you deactivate the sustaining gifts feature, the fund will not accept future sustaining gifts. The fund will, however, continue to accept payments from all active sustaining gifts.

  1. Open the Funds page.
  2. Find the desired fund. To do this, enter the name of the fund into the Search field at the top of the page or use the filters in the Filters panel to specify multiple search criteria.
  3. Click the fund's name link to open the fund record.
  4. Select (to uncheck) the Fund Accepts Sustaining Gifts checkbox.
  5. Click  to save the change.

The fund stops accepting future sustaining gifts. Note that payments for all active sustaining gifts will continue to be processed by the fund.


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