If you are using batches or required by your organization to use them, you must create a batch first before posting pledges or contributions to it. This topic provides instructions on creating three types of batches.
To create a batch:
Contribution BatchContribution Batch
Keep your fingers on the keys and save time with data entry by pressing the Tab or Enter key to move from one field to
the next in the form.
Batch names must be unique. If you give a batch a name that is already in use, the system prompts you to enter a unique name.
The Batch Details page opens to a blank form used to create a record for the new batch.
An asterisk indicates a required field. For descriptions of the fields, go to Batch Details.
The Organization field is autofilled with the name of the logged-in user's organization. The Created field is autofilled with today's date.
The system adds the contribution batch to the list on the Batches page and sets the status of the batch to Open.
If desired, you can now post contributions to the batch. For instructions, go to How to Post Contributions to a Batch.
On the Offering page, you can open the Batches page by selecting Batches in the navigation bar or
by clicking a page link (for example, All) at the bottom of the Batches card.
Keep your fingers on the keys and save time with data entry by pressing the Tab or Enter key to move from
one field to the next in the form
Batch names must be unique. If you give a batch a name that is already in use, the system prompts you to enter a unique name.
The Batch Details page opens to a blank form used to create a record for the new batch.
An asterisk indicates a required field. For descriptions of the fields, go to Batch Record Details.
The system adds the pledge batch to the list on the Batches page.
Pledge Plus Initial Contribution BatchPledge Plus Initial Contribution Batch
On the Offering page, you can open the Batches page by selecting Batches in the
navigation bar or by clicking a page link (for example, All) at the bottom of the Batches card.
Keep your fingers on the keys and save time with data entry by pressing the Tab or Enter key
to move from one field to the next in the form
Batch names must be unique. If you give a batch a name that is already in use, the system prompts you to enter a unique name.
An asterisk indicates a required field. For descriptions of the fields, go to Batch Record Details.
The Organization field is autofilled with the name of the logged-in user's organization. The Created field is autofilled with today's date.
For example, if you have 10 pledges totaling $10,000, and five of those pledges are accompanied by initial payments of $100, you would enter the values shown in the illustration below into the Count and Amount fields:
The system adds the contribution batch to the list on the Batches page.
© Offering Help v5.0.15 November 8, 2023 ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.