How to Move a Batch to Review Status

When the system determines that a batch is balanced, it activates the Move to Review button, which looks different depending on the page you are viewing:

These buttons enable you to mark a balanced batch as ready for review. In Review status, another reviewer can do a final check of the batch and then close it. 

To move a batch to Review status, use either of the procedures provided below: 

On the Postings pageOn the Postings page

  1. In the upper-right corner, click this button:  Move to Review. (This button is active only if the batch is in balance.)

A message is displayed, prompting you to confirm the move.

  1. Click .

The system moves the batch to Review status. To reflect the change, the Status field on the batch card is updated to the following: Review

The batch is now ready for a final review. For instructions, go to How to Approve a Batch.

On the Batches pageOn the Batches page

  1. On the Home page, open the Batches page.
  2. In the batch list, locate the batch you want to move to Review status. To quickly find the desired batch, use the Search or Filter function.

 Position your mouse over the Info icon  to find out what type of data the Search bar accepts.

  1. Click .

A message is displayed, prompting you to confirm the move.

  1. Click .

The system changes the status of the batch to Review. To reflect the change, the Status field on the batch card is updated to show the following: Review

  1. The batch is now ready for a final review. For instructions, go to How to Approve a Batch.


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