Fund Tab

In the fund record, the Fund tab provides general details about the fund, such as its name or description, unique ID, and the account number assigned to it in your organization's Chart of Accounts. On this tab, you can edit details for a fund and remove those your organization no longer uses or needs.


 Save Save

Click to save changes made to a fund record.

 Undo Undo

Click to cancel the previous editing action.

 Delete Delete

Click to remove a fund.

Fields in the Fund Record

The list below provides information about each field on the tab. Refer to this list when adding a new fund or editing the details for an existing one.

 An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

Click the arrowhead next to the field's name to expand it and view its description.

Fund IDFund ID

A numeric ID that identifies the fund in the Offering system. The Fund ID is unique to each fund. It is assigned by the system when the fund is created and cannot be edited.


Name of the organization that created the fund. 

NameName *

Descriptive name for the fund. For example, Hurricane Relief or 2019 Christmas. 

This field allows alphabetic and numeric characters only. No special characters, such as the ampersand (&) or pound sign (#), are permitted. The maximum number of alphanumeric characters allowed in the fund name is 50. You cannot leave this field blank.

Account NumberAccount Number *

Number of the account associated with the fund in your organization's chart of accounts. For example, if your organization uses ParishSOFT Accounting, Quickbooks, or any other accounting software to manage its finances and accounting, this is the number of the account mapped to the fund. 

External IDExternal ID

Account number or ID in an external system (for example, a QuickBooks account number).

Diocesan IDDiocesan ID

Account number or ID in the diocesan accounting system.

Fund is Active checkboxFund is Active checkbox

Use this checkbox to mark the status of the fund as one of the following: active or inactive. 

If you are currently using a fund, select the checkbox to mark it as "active." 

If you are no longer using a fund, mark it as inactive by selecting the checkbox (to remove the checkmark). After you mark a fund as inactive, it no longer appears in lists in these areas:

An inactive fund continues to appear in lists in these areas:

Fund DatesFund Dates

Add Pledge End Date buttonAdd Pledge End Date button 

This button lets you add an end date to pledges to the fund. When you specify an end date, contributions received after that date are not credited to the pledge. For details, go to How to Add an End Date to Pledges.

This fund requires pledges checkboxThis fund requires pledges checkbox

Select the checkbox to indicate that the fund is pledge based. If you select this checkbox, a pledge record must be created before contributions can be posted to the fund.


This fund receives tax deductible gifts checkboxThis fund receives tax deductible gifts checkbox

Select this checkbox only if contributions to the fund are tax deductible per IRS regulations. 

 Contributions to tax-deductible funds appear on family contribution statements.

Fund Accepts Sustaining GiftsFund Accepts Sustaining Gifts

By default, this checkbox is selected in every fund record to enable the fund to accept sustaining gifts. For a description of this type of gift, go to About Sustaining Gifts. If you do not want a fund to accept sustaining gifts, select (to uncheck) the checkbox to disable the feature.

Report on Sustaining Gifts up toReport on Sustaining Gifts up to 

This field is used to specify an end date for reporting on sustaining gifts. The system provides a default end date, which you can change, if desired. Either type a date into the field or click  and select the desired end date from the displayed calendar. 

The system incorporates sustaining gifts into a fund's future projections. Your organization's pledge reports will use the date you specify to estimate future revenue from recurring payments to the fund. Therefore, choose a date in the future that you expect the fund to stop accepting recurring gifts. Your pledge reports will stop projecting income from sustaining gifts after the date you specify.

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© Offering Help v5.0.15 November 8, 2023 ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.