A pledge is a commitment by a donor to give a gift and pay for that gift over a specified period of time. The pledge record contains details about the pledge, such as the name of the fund receiving the pledge, name of the donor, the total amount pledged and the balance owed.
The list below describes the fields in the pledge record. Refer to this list when adding a new pledge or editing the details for an existing one. Click the arrowhead next to the field name to expand it and view its description.
An asterisk (*) indicates required information.
Name of the organization owning the fund to which the pledge is made.
Name of the fund associated with the pledge. Select the fund from the dropdown list.
Specifies how the contribution came into the system, for example, manual entry.
External Pledge IDExternal Pledge ID
Unique number that identifies pledges imported from an online giving solution (for example, ParishSOFT Giving) that is outside of Offering.
This field allows null values.
Duplicate External Pledge ID values are not allowed. If you try to save a value in the field that is already assigned to a pledge, the system displays a warning.
Name and address of the giver.
Registered OrganizationRegistered Organization
Name of the organization the donor is registered to.
Amount of the initial contribution to the pledge.
Shows the amount added to the initial pledge to either increase or decrease it.
Amount of the current pledge, calculated by taking the initial pledge amount and adding any adjustments to it.
Total amount paid against the current pledge.
View Contribution History View Contribution History
Click to open the Contribution History window where you can view a list of contributions made to the pledge. The list shows the date of each contribution, the amount, the check number, and any notations made pertaining to it. For instructions on viewing the history of contributions to a pledge, go to How to View the History of Contributions Made to a Pledge.
The remaining amount owed toward the pledge. The formula for the pledge balance is as follows:
Inital Pledge amount + Adustment amount - Total Paid = Balance
Date the donor made the pledge. Type the date into the field or click and select a date from the displayed calendar.
The system validates all pledge date entries. To be considered valid, a pledge date must meet these requirements:
To help you enter a valid date, the system displays a warning message when a date that does not match the aforementioned requirements is entered in the following fields:
Batch containing the pledge.
A text field where notes pertaining to the pledge can be recorded.
If you edit a pledge, for auditing purposes, you must provide a reason for the change in this field.
The date payments to the pledge begin. Note that you can delay the start date by specifying a date in the future. Type the date into the field or click and select a date from the displayed calendar.
The date payments to the pledge end. Type the date into the field or click and select a date from the displayed calendar.
This field may or may not be visible in the pledge record. Visibility is determined by the setting selected for the Display End Date for Pledge Entry option (in the Offering options group) on the Settings page.
Pledge payment frequency, for example, monthly and quarterly. Select a frequency option from the dropdown list to indicate how often the giver wants to make payments toward the pledge.
Specifies the duration of the pledge in months.
# Contributions# Contributions
Specifies the number of contributions required to meet the pledge.
Installment AmtInstallment Amt *
Fixed payment amount made at regular intervals as determined by the setting selected for the pledge frequency. For example, the installment amount for a $2400 pledge paid in 12 monthly payments is $200.
Fulfillment MethodFulfillment Method
Method used to fulfill the pledge. For example, direct debit and credit card.
Statement MonthsStatement Months
Use the checkboxes to indicate the months a statement will be generated for the selected family or member.
Initial ContributionInitial Contribution
Provides the following about the initial contribution if one accompanies the pledge:
How to View a List of Contributions Made to a Pledge
How to Edit Payments to a Pledge
© Offering Help v5.0.15 November 8, 2023 ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.