When you first add a requirement to an individual's profile, the system defaults the status to Not Started. As you receive updates (for example, information from background checks and training providers) that affect the status of a requirement, use the instructions in this topic to update your records accordingly. The best way to guarantee that that your organization is using SEP most effectively is for you to take a proactive approach and record the current status of requirements as individuals move through the process of completing them.
If you need to update the status of the same requirement in multiple records, we recommend using the bulk update process to speed data entry. For instructions, go to How to Bulk Update Requirements.
You must have Individual Requirements + View Detail +
Modify permissions to add requirements to records.
To update the status of a requirement, do the following:
The options in the Status dropdown list enable you track the progress of a requirement from Not Started to Completed. Depending on your organization's policies and procedures, you may choose to use all or only some of the options in this list to track requirements. For descriptions of the Status options,
go to Fields on the Requirements Panel.
© January 31, 2024 Safe Environment Program v2.31. ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.