About the DM Home Page

The Home page is the first page you see when you open the Development Manager application. The page includes a card representing each module your organization is licensed to and for which you (as the logged-in user) have access rights. It also includes a Settings card.

If you have a license and permissions to Development Manager, you see a card for the application. To access Development Manager, select the card to display the DM Home page.

The DM Home page provides quick access to your pledges, contributions, and other data with a single click of a mouse. The illustration below identifies the main elements on the Home page. Click a numbered link to jump to the section on this page that provides a detailed description of the element.

  Collapsible Panel Control

The Home page is divided into two main panels:

 Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar is located on left side of the Home page. Clicking a link in the navigation bar enables you to quickly visit a main page in the application.

By default, the navigation bar is rolled up so that the page links are hidden. To view all of the links, simply click   (Down Arrow) at the top navigation bar, as shown below: 

Click the desired link to open the page and view its contents. 

To roll up the menu so that the page links are no longer visible, simply click  (Up Arrow) at the top of the navigation bar, as shown below:

In certain situations, you may want to collapse the Navigation Bar to expand the content of the Pages panel. The Collapsible Panel Control  lets you do this.

Pages Panel

The Pages panel is the large panel located on the right side of the Home page. The panel consists of seven cards, each representing a main functional area within the application, for example, Reports and Settings.


Each functional area in Development Manager is represented by a separate container, called a "card." A card serves as an entry point to data within the named area. 

As illustrated below, each card contains the name of the functional area, an icon, and a link to specific content within it:

 Cards are not clickable elements. To access a content area, you must click the page links in the footer.  

Logged-In User's Organization

This field shows the name of the organization the user is logged in to.

Help Button

Click  to access the Development Manager Help. The Help opens in a separate browser so that you can view it while working in the application. The Help provides an overview of Development Manager's concepts and features and offers step-by-step instructions on how to perform specific Development Manager tasks. 

User Profile Button

Click  to display a menu of user profile options.

Selecting the Log Out option logs you out of the Development Manager application.

 Page Links

The page links at the bottom of each card let you access a specific page within the application. For example, on the Pledges card (see below), clicking the Go to Pledges link takes you to the Pledges page where you can work with your organization's pledge data.

Note that some cards have multiple page links. These links let you access specific pages within a main functional area. For example, clicking Today (see below) on the Contributions card takes you to a page showing only those contributions posted on the current day.  


Related Topics

About the Diocese Reports Page

About the Donor Reports Page

About the Parish Reports Page


© v2.17 October 4, 2021 ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.